What we have done, and are doing
August 15-22
Ages 17-27 (give or take)
For info text 845-664-8395
All Inclusive!
We ushered in Elul with an inspiring musical Kumzits, featuring Nechama Cohen and an amazing workshop with Rebbetzin Chamie Haber. Sitting around a campfire, with the crickets and the stars, singing our way into the month, and coming out with a new perspective on coming close to Hashem. Twas amazing.
Summer Shabbaton in the Poconos full of learning, connection, laughter, relaxation and happiness!
Stay tuned for photos!
Ten Days Conversations ​
Interviewing three amazing humans during these days to help us connect and understand what we are doing during this time.
Click on the Title to watch the video
Interviews over Time​
Some amazing conversations we have had with some great minds. Click on the image to watch the video
Rutgers College Event ​
Conversations at College, October 25th, more details to come!
(coming soon)
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